Sustainability reporting for SMEs: GLS Bank provides information and introduces We Impact

In its current article "CSRD & Co. - News from sustainability reporting", GLS Bank highlights the growing added value of reporting and presents important standards. The focus is on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, which are not yet required to report but will be in the future and would like to start preparing now.

"Sustainability reporting is becoming increasingly important worldwide, both from a regulatory and voluntary perspective. Companies are increasingly required to make their environmental, social and economic impact transparent. This is done through a combination of mandatory and voluntary standards."

In addition to the legal requirements, there are a large number of voluntary standards that companies can use to document their sustainability performance. As one of the sustainability management systems presented, We Impact shows how SMEs can systematically and verifiably improve their sustainability performance and not only supports companies in complying with legal requirements, but also helps to reduce risks and strengthen their own reputation.

Transparency about one's own impact creates the basis for setting clear sustainability goals, making their progress measurable and continuously improving them, thereby strengthening the shared responsibility for a sustainable future - a win-win situation for everyone: companies, customers and partners.

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