Frequently asked questions about We Impact at a glance
Do you have any questions? You can find the answers here. If your question is not listed, please contact us directly - we will be happy to help you at any time.
The We Impact System
Who is We Impact aimed at?
We Impact is aimed at companies and organizations of all sizes and sectors in German-speaking countries, including foreign subsidiaries. It is particularly suitable for SMEs, as well as for companies with existing environmental management systems such as ISO14001, EMAS or EMASplus. Organizations that are directly or indirectly affected by regulations such as the CSRD or the LkSG will find We Impact an ideal solution for integrating these requirements into their corporate management.
What are We Impact's requirements?
We Impact defines specific requirements for holistic sustainability management, which includes effective risk management and the implementation of corporate due diligence along the supply chain. The certification standard is based on proven standards such as ISO 14001 and EMAS, supplemented by specific requirements from the LkSG and the CSRD/ ESRS. An integral component is the sustainability report in accordance with the VSME, which underlines the transparency and credibility of the company's commitment.
What is awarded the We Impact seal?
What does the seal not say?
Who is behind We Impact?
We Impact was developed by KATE Environment & Development in collaboration with Arqum, on behalf of and with the support of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment. Numerous stakeholders and companies were involved in the dialog. KATE acts as the seal provider and operates the We Impact office, which serves as an information and registration office, carries out qualifications and continuously develops the system. The We Impact Strategy Advisory Board consists of independent, voluntary experts and contributes to the improvement and supervision of the system with its expertise from various sectors.
For which companies is level 1 suitable, for which companies level 2?
Integration of existing standards and
legal requirements
What additional requirements does We Impact place on ISO14001-certified and EMAS-validated companies?
How does the transition to We Impact work for companies with valid EMASplus certification?
EMASplus-organizations already largely implement the requirements of We Impact. There is a need for adaptation in the organizations, particularly with regard to the requirements for determining materiality, the content of the sustainability report and some elements of the LkSG and ESRS, which are marked accordingly in the regulations.
I am EMASplus-certified - what are the deadlines for recertification, witness audits and transition to We Impact?
For EMASplus-organizations:
Initial and recertification according to EMASplus can be carried out up to and including 31.12.2024. From 01.01.2025, only initial certifications and recertifications according to We Impact can be carried out.
EMAS monitoring auditsplus can still be carried out up to and including 31.12.2025.
Organizations that comply with EMASplus certified may use the EMASplus-logo in addition to the We Impact logo until their existing EMASplus-certificate expires.
After a successful We Impact audit by an impact assessor (recertification or monitoring), the application for inclusion in the We Impact register is submitted. At the same time, the company is automatically deleted from the EMASplus-register.
EMASplus-certified organizations prepare a sustainability report that is valid for the respective certification period of three to four years. This existing report can continue to be used until the end of the current certification period (validity of the certificate). The We Impact requirements for the sustainability report only have to be met at the start of a new certification period.
If you have any questions, please contact the office at info@we-impact.de
To what extent does We Impact integrate the CSRD and the LkSG?
Seal and certification
How is We Impact tested?
Testing and certification are carried out by independent examiners approved by the office. These are qualified through specialist customer training and regularly audited. In stage 1, the audit is carried out online by impact auditors. In stage 2, the audit is carried out on site by impact assessors. Impact verifiers are environmental verifiers accredited by the German Accreditation and Licensing Association for Environmental Verifiers (DAU) with an additional We Impact qualification.
How long is the We Impact certification valid for?
The certificate for level 1 must be awarded once and is valid for three (or four) years.1 years). After this period, an upgrade to level 2 is planned. Certification for level 2 is also valid for three (or four1) years and can be recertified an unlimited number of times.
1 Four years, for organizations in accordance with the regulation for small organizations pursuant to Art. 7 of the EMAS Regulation
What costs are associated with the introduction and certification of We Impact?
The costs are made up of internal expenses for implementation, a registration fee, an annual fee and the fees for the independent auditors. The amount of these costs varies depending on the scope of the required measures and the size of the company. The costs of the audit can be requested directly from the auditors.
How long will it take to receive the We Impact seal?
The time required depends on the existing structure, the preparation and the ambitions of a company. Approximately 5 to 6 months are set as the introduction horizon for stage 1. Approx. 5 months should be planned for stage 2 if EMAS is already in place or after stage 1. If stage 2 is introduced with additional EMAS validation, approx. 8 to 10 months should be planned.
How can the We Impact seal be used?
The We Impact seal identifies companies that meet the We Impact requirements for their sustainability management. The seal can be used in all corporate communication, for example on the website, on posters and vis-à-vis business partners.
However, the seal may not be applied directly to products, as it identifies the company's systems and processes, but does not make a sufficient statement about the sustainability of the products and services.
The seal may only be used in its original, unaltered form. The level 2 seal is always used as a double seal in combination with the EMAS seal.
Further information on the use of seals can be found in our guidelines.
We Impact office
How is the We Impact office financed?
The We Impact office is currently being operated as part of the research project "Conceptualization and development of a sustainability management system in the form of an EMAS+Sustainability module" (2021-2025). This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and ends in March 2025.
From April 2025, the office will finance itself independently through annual contributions from certified companies and other offerings such as training courses. At the same time, KATE is actively seeking additional funding to ensure the further development and dissemination of We Impact.
As a non-profit organization, KATE does not pursue a profit motive with its office. The income from registration fees, annual fees and training courses goes towards the operation, further development and dissemination of the We Impact System.
At present, we can only implement measures that are covered by the available funds or are provided on a voluntary basis by committed multipliers and supporters.
As awareness and acceptance of We Impact increases, new opportunities will arise to strengthen the system in the long term and to better support companies on their way to effective and comprehensive sustainability management.
Are you interested in We Impact? Please reach out to us.
We Impact assists you in developing sustainability within your company while ensuring full compliance with legal requirements. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.